Monday, March 29, 2010

Topic proposal

Human Genetic Engineering

I am going to be researching human genetic engineering. This field of expertise is looked down upon by many, but also held in high regard because of the possibilities it allows. The reason it is so looked down upon is that it is an altering of what is natural and unique, to becoming something molded by someone else’s image and not by the original genetics. The reason I am so drawn to this area of expertise is because of the obstacles mankind could overcome with such knowledge. It could be possible to one day remove all harmful genes located in a fetus so the baby is born perfectly healthy. Although there are other advantages that come with human genetic engineering there are also many question one must ask them self. Is it right to alter the appearance a child would be born with, is it ok to change how this person may be born, is it right to be toying with the genetics of a human. The man issue I have with this field is the fact that changing human genetic code is bordering on the power of God, to change something in His image to something of one’s own.