Monday, April 5, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
Glorioso Joseph, and Jenny Jacoby. "Interview with David Scadden. " Gene Therapy 12.23 (2005): 1663. Health Module, ProQuest. Web. 5 Apr. 2010.
The source contains information on how stem cell research is controversial but could provide possibilities in regenerative medicine. It talks about how adult stem cells are less effective than embryonic stem cells. The interview covers information on cell cloning and how the genetic code is affected during the process. There are cells that they once thought had no purpose but discovered they did. America is losing the lead on genetic research because of the controversy holding it back. I will be incorporating this source in my essay by covering some of the points mentioned in the interview.
Unknown, Unknown. "HumanGeneticResearch." AllAboutPopularIssues. Unknown, n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2010. .
This source talks briefly about how stem cells are obtained. It also points out what the benefits and consequences of extracting stem cells are. It states that there would be a possibility of segregation, the genetically enhanced, the possible chimera type people, and the people unaltered. The Source talks about the goals of gene therapy and that they are to cure possible diseases found in people without altering their inherited traits. I will be using this in my essay to point out some controversy in genetic engineering.
Unknown, . "Genetic Engineering Debates." Oracle, unknown. Web. 7 Apr 2010. .
This website just briefly talks about some of the basic views people have for genetic engineering. It covers gene therapy, cloning, genetically modifying foods, and germ-line therapy. Many see it as okay if it’s helping to make disease almost non-existent but are against it when it comes to cloning humans. It talks about how germ-line therapy could remove all diseases and defects from mankind if we did not allow children to be born with them. Many people see it as a way to eliminate human suffering caused by illness. Other people see this as playing God even though it is helping humanity. I will use this source to talk about the different types of genetic engineering.
King, David. "The Threat of Human Genetic Engineering." Human Genetics Alert. DavidKing, 2008. Web. 7 Apr 2010. .
This article is about more controversy surrounding human genetic engineering. It talks about how people who would receive genetic treatment could become discriminated against because of it. It talks about how genetic engineering is only applied to non reproductive cells meaning it will only help the patient and not the offspring in the future. It also talks about how they say genetic engineering will be purely medical; eventually people will want to use it for ‘enhancing’ the human body. I will use this source by addressing the enhancing humans instead of just using genetic engineering as purely medical.

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